Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tan Sri Pandikar Menghadiri Mesyuarat CPA di London

Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia bersama-sama Hashim Abdul Halim (duduk, dua dari kanan), Setiausaha Agung CPA, Dr. William F Shija (duduk kiri sekali); Bendahari CPA, David Marshall (duduk kanan sekali) serta pegawai-pegawai CPA di Ibu Pejabat CPA, London.

KOTA KINABALU: Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Tempasuk, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Haji Mulia, yang baru dipilih sebagai Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Persatuan Ahli-Ahli Parlimen/Ahli-Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Negara-Negara Komanwel (CPA) menghadiri mesyuarat jawatankuasa penyelaras CPA di London selama dua hari berakhir kelmarin (Rabu). Beliau berangkat ke London pada Sabtu lepas bagi menunaikan tanggungjawabnya sebagai Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Eksekutif CPA bagi penggal 2007-2008. Menurut kenyataan yang diemelkannya hari ini, Pandikar Amin berkata mesyuarat diadakan di Ibu Pejabat CPA di Westminster House, Mill Bank, London. CPA ialah sebuah persatuan menghimpunkan wakil rakyat termasuk Ahli Parlimen dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dari semua negara anggota Komanwel. Ia beribu pejabat di United Kingdom jawatankuasanya mewakili sembilan rantau termasuk Afrika, Asia, Australia, Kanada, India, Pasifik dan Asia Tenggara. Jawatan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Eksekutif CPA bagi penggal kali ini disandang oleh Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Bengal Barat, India, Hashim Abdul Halim dan Bendahari, David Marshall (United Kingdom).


About the Commonwealth
Parliamentary Association

The CPA is an Association of Commonwealth Parliamentarians who, irrespective of gender, race, religion or culture, are united by community of interest, by respect for the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms, and by pursuit of the positive ideals of parliamentary democracy. Its stated purpose is to promote knowledge and understanding of the constitutional, legislative, economic, social and cultural systems within a parliamentary democratic framework. It undertakes this mission with particular reference to the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations and to countries having close historical and parliamentary associations with it.
The CPA was founded in 1911 as the Empire Parliamentary Association, with the United Kingdom Branch administering its affairs. The original member Branches were Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Evolving with the Commonwealth, the CPA adopted its present name in 1948, changed its rules to enable all member Branches to participate in the Association's management, and established a separate Secretariat to manage its affairs. Association Branches now exist in 171 national, state, provincial and territorial Parliaments, with a total membership of over 16,000 Parliamentarians.
The Association provides the sole means of regular consultation among Members of Commonwealth Parliaments. It fosters co-operation and understanding among them and promotes the study of and respect for Parliament. Commonwealth Parliaments and Heads of Government endorse its role.
Programmes and Activities
Our Programmes and Activities promote parliamentary democracy and cooperation with other networks and organizations dedicated to good governance.
Programmes have been geared to the development of professional knowledge-based Parliamentarians through promoting knowledge and skills and by supporting efforts that improve effectiveness and sustainability, and to provide the financial resources needed to support the CPA’s activities including seeking funding from other organizations whether in a co-financing or a donor capacity.
Specific areas of work over the last five years have focused on:
Parliamentary Practice and Procedure including Post-Election Assistance;
The Interface between Parliament and other areas of Government, such as the Executive, the Judiciaryand Local Government;
Parliamentary Scrutiny and Oversight including Public Accounts and other Committees;
Post-Conflict Capacity-Building;
Combating Corruption;
Parliament and the Media;
Gender and Human Rights;
Electoral Practices and Election Observation, including Voter Education and increased Political Participation; Greater Participation by Parliamentarians in the debates on major global issues, and
Specific Interests that arise from time to time in the Commonwealth on a Regional or other Basis.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association,
SecretariatSuite 700, Westminster House,
7 Millbank London, SW1P 3JAUnited Kingdom

1 comment:

anakwatan_kb said...

Congratulation to you Tan Sri, your appointment shows the credibilities of Irranun leaders.